Tag Archives: general

A SMILES :-))))


YAY…. 112.9kg this week *does happy dance*. I am sure if I wouldn’t have been sick I could have lost a whole lot more… Oh well, let’s not be ungrateful . Next stop 110 or no, I shall be ambitious and go for 109kg by the end of the month. Now that I am a bit better I should be able to work out again and get onto my beloved rowing machine, without collapsing in a heap. So hell yeah, bring it on!!!

Anticipation Rocks!


It’s only Thursday and already I am dying for it to be Monday (weigh-in day). Why? Because I know that when I step on the scales I will be at least another pound lighter, which is going to bring me down to 113.whatever. I can’t remember the last time I weighed that. Maybe when I started Uni or something.

So yeah, I can’t wait and I would love to cheat a bit and get on the damn things right now. But I shall be a good girl (for a change) and wait til at least tomorrow morning haha.

Surprises, as well as anticipation, rock too. Today was a particularly difficult day for this whole weight loss thing, as I am down with Tonsillitis and really do crave comfort food. But I got some surprise motivation sent today when I logged into my Facebook and found a message of a rather hot guy who thought I was cute. So if that doesn’t mean I am moving in the right direction then I really don’t know.

And on that note, I am going to curl up in bed with a little satisfied smile on my face and watch Blade (Can’t beat a bit of Wesley).

Size 20 trousers-check!


Finally, my first real mile stone has been reached. Today I have fit into my first size 20 pair of trousers 🙂 This does wonders for motivation and for my mood, which has been a little down lately. I have about another 10 pairs of jeans and trousers in my wardrobe in which I have not fit for over four years and I can’t wait to get back into them one by one.

It seems to me that the low carbohydrate way is the way for me to go. I have tried it many other ways but this, as we see, is working well. So I will stick to that for now.

Next mini goal 109kg, which is 10lbs away… ten lbs in a month should be doable if I increase my working out a little, but if it takes six weeks then so be it. I just want to get there, but now I know I will 🙂

Getting there, slowly…


Ok, so I have been back on the Celebrity Slim for a week now. I started off at 117.8kg and am now weighing in at 115.6kg, which I am most pleased about. Yes it’s nowhere near the 7 lbs I lost in the first week when I did CS in December, but it’s definitely all moving into the right direction. After all, this is the lowest I have weighed in about three years, maybe even four. Mr. W. ( yes he is back on the scene) is all worried that I will weigh less than him in a couple of weeks, which makes me giggle. It’s been years since I weighed less than my partner.

I really need to start working out more regularly. Now that my anaemia is much better, not 100% gone but a lot better, I really should commit a bit more to my workouts. Going to do some Yoga I think, this might just help my knackered rotator cuff too, as swimming is becoming a bit of a nightmare because of it. I enjoy the swims, but Christ are they painful and the night after it is particularly painful despite heat treatment etc..  Other than that I am fine healthwise. I have a lot more energy, now that I actually have some blood to pump around my body and I feel really motivated. Let’s hope everything stays as well as it is going now 🙂

Back in the pool…What a Feeling!


Flashdance... What a Feeling

Today was quite a special day for me, well given the fact that it is now 16.41 it still is a special day. Today I had my first proper swim in three years… half a mile in half an hour. Back then it would have been nothing, as I used to swim a lot more and a lot faster than that, but today it was amazing. Feeling the water and my normally rather clumsy body work together like clockwork, feeling every single muscle in my body for the first time in ages was pretty cool. In fact, I was so happy I almost cried.